Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Weekend

I hope you all had a delicious, sparkly, cozy holiday weekend! Besides having my worst allergy attack of the year, mine was quite delightful. I spent time with family and friends, attended the Christmas program at church, and did a bit of shopping. I'm back at work today, but it hardly feels like a normal workday since the roads were nearly empty on my way in, there was no line at Starbucks, and my office is a ghost town. This evening I'll take down my Christmas decorations, and if I can get a friend to help, I'll take the tree out. I'm less sentimental about my Christmas tree now that I'm sure it is the culprit of this latest wave of awful allergies. How can such a pretty thing bring so much joy and so much ickiness at the same time? It is a mystery, a mystery that requires a lot of tea and inhalers.

 The hometown holiday bar hop is something my friends and I look forward to every Thanksgiving and Christmas. It started in college when all the kids we grew up with would flock home for break and congregate at local dive bars to catch up. Even though we're all in our late 20's/ early 30's now, the tradition has carried on. For those of us who don't spend much time in our hometown anymore, it's still the easiest way to track down old classmates and friends and find out what everyone's been up to the last year (off of Facebook, that is).